
Update on grandma's 4th surgery

Hi all
I checked her in at 6:30 AM this morning to the outpatient surgery unit. The scheduled 8:30 surgery was delayed till 9:00 AM because the doctor came in late. Unlike all the previous surgeries, he came out of OR in no time(about 5 minutes after he had gone in) and gave me a roundup.

Good news is that there was no growth so he didn't have to remove any from her bladder. But he also mentioned that he found a small reddish spot while he was looking through the scope. So he took the tissue sample and sent to the lab. The lab results will come back in a week to tell us if that's the bad cell or not.
Grandma was so happy to hear there wasn't the growth for last 4 months and feels much better now. I just took her picture to show you guys that she is well and sound. Thank you children for being a member of our God-honoring, fervently praying family! We love you all!

Please set aside some time to talk to her later on if you could. She is resting now.


  1. Holiday Season 을 시작하는 이달에 아주 기쁜 소식이겠습니다. 모든 가족들이 건강하게 생활 할수있는건 큰 행복이고요 !!
    오래사는것도 중요하지만, 마지막 순간까지 건강하게 지내다 갈수있는게 더욱 중요한것 같습니다.
    Lab 에서 나오는 결과도 좋을걸로 생각합니다.

  2. I wished this story was from over the fence.
    Thanks so much for Mom is OK now and safe form what everybody in family members were worried about.

    Dear old man, Yes I agree with what living longer couldn't be a good thing all the time, but with healthy is.

    Children you guys are so lucky that living with Grand-ma that many others aren't able to. I envy you so much.

    Only I can do at this time is visiting Creator asking him guard us as have been again,especially for Mom who's Grandma also to kids. Many thanks.

  3. Bob Rhee 님,
    예, 정말 좋은 소식이었습니다. 부모님 모두 건강하게 오래 사셨으면 하는 바램입니다. Lab결과도 잘 나올 수 있게 기도하는 중 입니다. 감사합니다.

  4. Paul 님,
    걱정해 주셔서 감사합니다. Bob Rhee님께서 말씀하셨듯이 건강한 가운데 장수하는 것이 복인 것 같습니다.

    I hope as well that our children in my family realize that they are lucky to (still)have a grandma as you said.

    지당하신 말씀이십니다. 하나님앞으로 나아가는 것이 우리 모두에게 필요합니다.

  5. 직장생활하면서 매일 교회에 가서 새벽제단쌓고 엄마병원 모시고 다니느라 정말 몸이 열개라도 힘들고 피곤하겠다.
    누나로써 미안한것 다 말로 할수가 없구나...
    아무쪼록 네 자신의 건강도 챙기길 바라며 주님 탄생하신 날 만나자꾸나.
    참,Esther 이번 토요일에 LSAT치룬단다
    지원기도 부탁...^^

  6. 뭐, 그게 이민생활인걸. 모두 그렇게들 살고 있고...

    Esther시험은 그리 걱정하지 않아도 될 듯 싶네. 워낙 잘 하니까.

  7. 크리스마스 선물이군요.
    2010마지막 달 좋은 소식들만 가득하시길 바랍니다 ~

  8. Oblivion 님,
    ㅋ 크리스마스선물 맞습니다. 님도 즐겁고 풍성한 12월이 되시길 빕니다. ^^

  9. 완전한 회복까지는 아직도 시간이 필요한 듯하군요. 부디 완쾌하시길 빕니다.

    She looks not perfect condition yet. Please do well.

  10. SW Yoon (尹聖雄) 님,
    감사합니다. 덕분에 빨리 완쾌하실겁니다.

  11. How great news it is!!!

    It is an awesome gift to everybody.

    Hopefully, we can hear good news continuously.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!


  12. jinandhaing 님,
    I really appreciate your encouragement and kind words. God bless you!



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